
The Dos and Don’ts of Grease Disposal in Chicago: Keeping Pipes Clog-Free

Welcome to our latest blog post! Here at Mike’s Chicago Plumbing, we’re committed to helping you maintain your home’s plumbing system in tip-top shape. Today, we’re focusing on a common yet preventable issue that affects many households in our beloved city: improper grease disposal. By following our guidance, you can play a vital role in keeping Chicago’s pipes clog-free.

The Risks of Improper Grease Disposal

Grease buildup is a leading cause of sewer backups and overflows, which can cause significant property damage and pose health risks. When fats, oils, and grease (FOG) are poured down the drain, they cool, solidify, and adhere to pipe walls, eventually leading to blockages. As a company dedicated to the well-being of our community and its infrastructure, we urge you to adopt proper grease disposal habits.

Do’s of Grease Disposal

1.Cool It Down

Always allow grease to cool before disposal. Hot grease can cause burns and lead to accidents.

2.Contain It

Pour cooled grease into a sealable container. Old coffee cans, jars, or any container with a lid will work fine.

3.Throw It Away

Once the grease is contained, dispose of it in the trash. This simple act goes a long way in preventing sewer blockages.

4.Recycle When Possible

If you have a large amount of cooking oil, consider taking it to a local recycling center that accepts grease. This not only protects your pipes but also benefits the environment.

5.Use Sink Strainers

Installing sink strainers can catch any residual grease and food particles, minimizing the risk of clogs.

Don’ts of Grease Disposal

1.Never Pour Grease Down the Drain

This is the golden rule of grease disposal. No matter how convenient it might seem, it’s a surefire way to clog your pipes.

2.Avoid Using Hot Water to Rinse Grease

Hot water might seem like it helps by liquefying grease, but it only pushes the problem further down the pipeline.

3.Don’t Rely Solely on Garbage Disposals

While they can grind up food scraps, garbage disposals aren’t designed to handle grease.

4.Avoid Chemical Drain Cleaners

They might provide a temporary fix, but they don’t remove grease build-up and can be harmful to your pipes in the long run.

By adhering to these guidelines, you’ll not only protect your home’s plumbing but also contribute to the overall health of Chicago’s sewer system. Remember, when in doubt or faced with a plumbing issue, it’s always best to consult with professionals. As your trusted plumbers in Chicago, we’re here to assist with any plumbing needs, ensuring your home remains safe and functional.

Thank you for joining us in our commitment to maintaining a robust plumbing system for our city. If you need any help or have any queries, please contact us at Mike’s Chicago Plumbing. With your help, we can ensure that Chicago’s pipes are free of clogs and problems!